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Calming Down When You're Frustrated

When you're feeling frustrated, it can be very helpful to take a moment, take a breath, and slow things down.

This video helps kids learn how to use meditation when they get frustrated by playing a version of “I Spy” using the 5 senses. Cookie Monster can’t wait for his cookies to be done baking! His friend, Mr. Andy from Headspace, helps him with a Monster Meditation. The viewer can join Cookie Monster and Mr. Andy in a game of “I-Sense,” and find out how they can make waiting more fun!

Sesame Street Monster Meditation #1: “I Sense” with Cookie Monster and Headspace

Two-Headed Monster learns that when you’re feeling frustrated, it can help sometimes to take a break and blow out your imaginary candle before trying to do something. When you’re feeling frustrated, take a breath before you try again (like when their block tower fell over), take monster meditation belly breaths, so they can build the tower again.

Sesame Street Monster Meditation #4: Try, Try Again with Two-Headed Monster and Headspace

This 1-minute video teaches you that when you’re feeling frustrated, just take a deep breath and calm down. Sometimes it can be frustrating waiting in line, but you can just try to relax. You can play a game or tell a joke. The time will pass fast if you just relax!

Sesame Street: Relax

This 3 ½ minute video of guided imagery of a balloon in the sky teaches you how to gain control of your stressful energy when it becomes very hard to handle.

Bring It Down – Flow | GoNoodle

The purpose of this 4-minute video is to help children deal with big feelings that they may have. It includes some simple breathing exercises and stretches to help children relieve tension and calm down when they are feeling stressed, anxious or frustrated.

Calming Exercises for Kids: Breathing and Stretching